Early this week, the Ladybugs hosted a Tea Party! Not just any old Tea Party, but a Tea Party for our stuffed animals and dolls! The Kinders have been requesting to bring a special toy from home, so I felt like a Tea Party would be a fantastic way to introduce some new friends to the Kinder Room! Before our festivities began, our special friends needed a nap after their long journeys from home! The Ladybugs chose a quiet area in the room to set up a comfortable, cozy and relaxing bed for them. They were very thoughtful as they used blankets, baskets, and decorations in their designs! As our special friends slept, the Ladybugs got some fresh air outside! “I left food and water for bunny in case it gets hungry!” “I made this fort for mine” When we returned, we set up for our Tea Party! The Ladybugs took their seats at the table with their fancy tea cups, saucers and a scrumptious tea cookie. Even with all this excitement, the Ladybugs ensured that their special friends had space to join us! While the water was boiling, I gave the Ladybugs the opportunity to smell the three tea varieties: Chai Tea Lemon Thriller Raspberry Thriller The Ladybugs AND their special friends were very intrigued by these three unique smells and with the process of making tea! The Ladybugs then had the opportunity to sample each flavour! “Ellie wants to smell too!” “It smells like chocolate!” “mmmmm smells good!” “What does the bag feel like?” In the afternoon, we played some games with our special friends! After playing “Musical Chairs”, a Ladybug taught us how to play “Mystery Box”! Here are the rules if you’re interested! 1. Grab three boxes or containers 2. Hide a secret item inside one of them 3. Mix up the boxes 4. Guess where the item is! This game was a HUGE HIT amongst the Ladybugs! They spent the next 45 minutes playing this game and adding variations to it! “If you guess right, you get a prize!” “I also set up a prize shop!” “My stuffy wants to guess!” What a wonderful day we had with our special friends! This experience helped nurture empathy, responsibility, experimentation and imagination in each of our Ladybugs!
- Vita
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Kindercare Leader
March 2024