Welcome to the first official Kindercare blog of the 2021-2022 school year! Our Ladybugs are very keen on velocity. It started with bottle flipping, and experimenting with water levels in the bottles to figure out the best amount of water needed for the perfect landing, and where the best spot to practice a flip was. The table, the floor, and into buckets. When they began to create a points system we decided to label some paper cups with 1, 2, and 3 points, and we tracked the points on an abacus. The kids used our water bottle caddy to arrange the point cups, and the challenges began! This game was an exercise in focus, fair play, hand-eye coordination, and of course math! Meanwhile, the Caterpillars are taking things in a more artistic direction with a strong interest in painting and mixing. Mixing up forest berries in pails, mixing up paint colors, mixing up the colorful blocks to create new shades - its all about creating something new! All this mixing answered the "what if" questions - What if we put water and leaves in our berries? What if we mix purple paint with red paint? What if we get paint on our smocks? Our favorite way to answer all the what if's is, "Let's find out!" Because discovery is what our first year in Kinders is all about!
Kindercare Leader
March 2024