Travelling Park Day and JAM trip to The Festival of Fools!Dawn and Dusk hosted it's first EVER dodge ball tournament, and what a success it was. We split into 4 groups. - The Dodgeball Kings - The Scorpions - Skittles - The Dodgers We did a round robin tournament and held a championship game after lunch! We also played some of our fan faves at the end of the day which included: Staff vs. Kids Knock the Pin Dr. Dodge Ball Another dodge ball tournament is definitely in Dawn and Dusk's future... Out first adventure of the 2017 Spring Break took us to Oak Hammock Marsh! Here we were met by interpreters that guided us through activities all throughout the day. Animal Detectives had us out trekking through the trails looking for clues that animals had been there. We came across scat, paw prints, pellets and nests! We learned about reptiles and amphibians, we learned the difference between the two, we even got to meet and touch a salamander, saw a turtle and Oak Hammocks newest edition to the animal family, a garter snake! After lunch we learned all about migration and how bats communicate while we played Ecology Games, and finished off our day with exploring the exhibits! What a marvelous Monday! |
February 2024
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