Sugar cookie fun! We spent part of our day making sugar cookies. The children made the cookie dough, stamped out their cookie shape, placed it on a cookie sheet and then we put them in the oven! After they were baked perfectly, we made some bright purple, green and yellow icing. The kids decorated their cookie with the icing and sprinkles! Some kids chose the less is more approach and other children decided there was never enough yummy stuff on their cookie.
On our last in-service we made rice krispie cake! We measured out all our ingredients and used our teamwork to make the finished product. The marshmallows tasted really good on their own but, we had to put the rest of them into the pot to be melted into ooooey goooey goodness. We topped off our cake with some sprinkles and enjoyed it later for snack! With the colder weather quick approaching, we have been having snack outside and sitting on the tarps and having one big Dawn and Dusk family snack! The kids have a blast with our picnic style snacks out in the forest. Some of our favorite and easy snacks to do outside are popcorn with veggies and trail mix and veggies. |