Dawn and Dusk is back and better than ever! With the children sorted into two groups, we now have Club 4/5 every day, and it has been pretty great. Thanks to the wonderful September weather we've been outside every day so far before and after school, and the kids are loving it. Everything we can do indoors, we do outdoors, with great benefits to the children like: morning exercise to clear our minds and prepare for the day (much like adults going to the gym before work), watching the flocks of geese soar over us each morning, waking up with the wildlife and having breakfast while watching the sunrise, engaging conversations in the quiet of the forest, and of course all that fresh air!
Our afternoons outside always bring a lot of excitement with the kids ready to unwind after sitting in a classroom all day. They've been doing art inspired by the bold fall colors, playing soccer, using pool noodles to play tag without getting too close to one another, and playing hide & seek. We're always open to bringing items outside that we typically use indoors and this year especially we'll be expanding on this practice. We know it's been a bit of an adjustment, getting back into the swing of things, but the educators at Dawn & Dusk are committed to ensuring your children are safe, healthy, and happy each day they're in our care.
May 2024